Making Every Moment Matter™

A story of giving and receiving

Making Every Moment Matter™, the guiding words of Responsive Management Inc. (RMI), were brought to life at their 2019 Leadership Conference in Mexico.

staff show thumbs up sitting at a table outside with some of the kidsAlong with a jam-packed agenda including both classroom, experiential, and cultural learning, was the opportunity for the senior team to again visit the San Jose de la Immaculate orphanage in Cancun, a non-profit orphanage for girls founded in 1997 by three very determined missionary nuns. Through donations, the nuns secured a piece of land and within a few years were ready to open their doors to girls in need, some from abusive environments.

The RMI team first visited the orphanage in 2017 and were able to support them “remotely” in 2018. The girls are well taken care of, protected, and loved; the Madres (nuns) are kind and run a tight ship.

With very little government funding, the orphanage relies heavily on donations. Currently looking after 12 girls ranging in age from 3- 17, they are at capacity, but looking ahead to future expansion.

The Responsive team’s visit this year consisted of several onsite projects including: painting, staining, and a special "Green" sustainable project, where the team came together to build five large raised garden beds for the girls and Nuns to grow herbs and vegetables for their own use, and to sell within the local community. 

young girls pose in the optometrist's officePrior to arriving in Cancun, the funds raised by the RMI team were used to aid the orphanage in renovating their bathrooms (including the toilets, showers, sinks, vanities, and lighting, replacing a much-needed water pump), enhancing their playground area, dining room and kitchen area, and repairing their chapel roof. The funds also supported a new laptop computer to help with homework!

The RMI team also arranged for the girls to see a local optometrist who provided the girls and nuns with complimentary eye exams, most having an eye exam for the first time. Four of the girls required glasses which RMI was able to provide.

Following several hours of onsite work, the team was treated to a special, homemade lunch. Tables were laid out under the trees; the girls and nuns prepared and served the group. With no common language to share, smiles and gestures were used instead. It didn’t take long to understand we are all alike, regardless of cultural heritage or economic circumstances- we all need and want to feel safe and loved.

And that is exactly what was found in this home, different perhaps than the traditional family we know, but a loving environment non the less. This is not a place of sadness as one might expect, but a place of hope.

the kids open their gifts and smile for the cameraAs their lunch came to an end, the team had individual gifts for the girls and nuns; backpacks and purses, all filled with age-appropriate goodies. It was hard to tell who was more excited, the girls to receive or the RMI team to give out!

There were many emotions felt and expressed by the Responsive team members, and their contributions to this small but mighty community is an experience that the team will never forget - humbled, thankful, grateful, amazing, loving, nurturing - this place is a home and one that has made, and will continue to make, a difference in the lives of others.

The Responsive Management Inc. team looks forward to further opportunities to share and promote its philanthropic work and upholding their commitment to Making Every Moment Matter™.

 responsive staff and everyone from the orphanage pose together for a photo outside